Things to do During Summer Break to Improve Your English Skills

Continuing your studies or taking summer classes during summer break can be unpleasant because you may want to be outside soaking in the sun or just enjoying your break as much as you can before you must go back to school. Summer vacation is an important time to let students take a break from the rigorous school year. 

However, whether you're a student on summer break wanting to improve your English skills or an adult ESL learner looking for fun ways to improve your English speaking, it is important not to lose progress over the summer. With that, there are several ways to improve your English skills while still having fun! Today's blog will discuss summer break activities to improve your English language learning and speaking skills.

Socializing for Success

Putting yourself out there in public with a group of individuals who speak a different native language can create nervousness. However, sometimes putting yourself in tough situations and trying new things is just what you need to succeed. Attending events, such as a food truck/music festival, workshop, carnival, or another town event near you can help to enhance your American English speaking. 

Positioning yourself in social events you may not be used to will allow you to hear phrases and conversations you have not heard, and it can also allow you to practice your English through small conversations through ordering food or asking questions. For example, if you're attending a carnival, you can practice your English speaking skill by saying, "Where is the ferris wheel located?" or "Where can I get a hotdog?" 

Another suggestion is to take an art or dance class. Trying new things will force you to use new phrases, which can help you become more confident and fluent in your English. This also allows you to get multiple benefits out of one activity.

Grab Some Headphones

Listening as learning is a huge way to become more comfortable and knowledgeable of the English language. However when you don't have the ability to speak directly with someone who can help you master the English language, you may feel stuck. Podcasts are a solution for this. Podcasts are flexible because you can listen in many different settings like going for a drive, going for a walk, doing chores, and much more. 

Here are some educational podcasts for English learners:

Another great listening activity is to watch a TV show or movie in English with subtitles. If you're a beginner, it may be more appropriate for you to try a cartoon show or a movie you are familiar with first so that it is easier to understand. If you are more advanced, try a show you have never seen before and watch it without subtitles.

Follow, Follow, Follow

If you are someone who likes to scroll on social media platforms, you can use this habit to improve your English. Many ESL and tutoring companies have several different platforms to help their followers and clients practice their English daily in small ways. For example Speak Write Play's Twitter page has a "Build the Basic '' activity posted weekly that allows their online community to engage and post their answers. Whether you like to use Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you can find what works for you. 

Word of the Day

Learning or improving a second language can be difficult because of the surplus of vocabulary words and different phrases. For this activity, challenge yourself to learn a new word or phrase every day. Learn the vocabulary or meaning of the word/phrase, then try to use it in a conversation throughout your day.  To start, search the web for a vocabulary sheet that challenges your English skills appropriately. Another option is to visit a language learning YouTube channel with over 150 videos that include different idioms and phrases in each video, as well as detailed explanations and examples. This will help you hear the phrase or word and how it can be used in daily conversation.


When you don't want the stress of classes during summer break but still want to work toward becoming fluent in English, how do you succeed? You can do little things every day, or you can do things a little more outside of your comfort zone. Adding these activities into your day or week can make subtle, but monumental, improvements along your English learning journey. 

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