We help companies and individuals around the world expand their reach by providing editing and proofreading services, K-8 English language arts (ELA) tutoring, and English as a second language (ESL) instruction. Our educators and English tutor professionals in New Jersey will enhance your English speaking and writing abilities.

Professional, courteous editing and proofreading services for authors and small business owners looking to expand their reach.
In-person and online English classes for groups and individuals to increase vocabulary, boost confidence, and obtain fluency.
Customized learning experiences from an in-person or online English private tutor in New Jersey for students needing additional academic support.
English classes for adults, group writing courses for advanced English learners, and self-editing workshops for independent authors.
Why Our Clients Love Us
I really appreciate the excellent service that I received on editing and proofreading my manuscript. Speak Write Play edited my story in a very timely manner and provided important feedback. I look forward to working with them on my next novel, too.

Ethleen is a really friendly and conscientious teacher. Studying with her has helped me improve my confidence when talking with native speakers. You can follow Speak Write Play on Facebook and Twitter to improve your English every day.
ESL Student

Ethleen is a wonderful tutor! She is very patient, always prepared, and is very hands-on. She has a very unique teaching method with not just teaching children to read but also helping them understand the technique of reading.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Technology is great, but editing software cannot replace a trained professional who understands the nuances of a language. If you have access to editing software, you may use it to your heart’s content. However, before you publish your manuscript, be sure to have it edited by a professional editor so that it does not end up being riddled with typographical errors.
Our turnaround times depend on your manuscript’s word count and our team’s availability. On average, line editing a 25,000-word manuscript takes 7-10 business days.
Yes, we are more than happy to review your blog posts and magazine articles to optimize them or edit them to ensure the language is concise and aligns with your brand’s identity.
Our tutors are either former classroom educators or have been working in the education field for a number of years as private instructors.
We believe that teaching should be learner-centered. As such, we do not take the same approach for all students. Instead, we begin by implementing a number of strategies to see how our clients respond to each. Once we find the method that works, we move on to personalizing the learning process.
Our online classes are quite effective. Technology has come a long way over the last several decades. As such, we have interactive lessons, utilize various mediums for instruction, and incorporate a number of techniques to keep our clients engaged in the sessions.
Well, one of the advantages is that you will learn how to self-correct because the sessions are all about you. Our instructors desire to see you progress, so they make it a point to find ways to empower you to take control of your own learning. Forget rote memorization and other methods that don’t work. We customize every aspect of each session just for you.
Still have questions? Book a free consultation here.
Contact Us for English Speaking and Writing Services in New Jersey
For more information about editing, proofreading, ELA tutoring, and ESL conversation and writing classes, call us today at 732-908-2211 or send us a message through our contact form.