5 Ways to Incorporate Technology in Your English Learning

Are you looking for ways to improve your English skills through the use of technology? Today’s post will talk about ways to use technology to improve your English. Most people use technology for almost everything they do throughout their daily lives. Some use technology, such as social media, to wind down after a long day. However, there are several ways technology can help expand your knowledge and improve your English skills. Here are five activities to incorporate technology in English language learning and the benefits of technology for your English skill improvement.


Using learning apps to improve your English can be a productive method of learning because it can keep you more engaged with fun games and activities. For example, Knudge.me is an app/website that allows you to practice your English for free through lessons and games. Knudge.me has writing, reading, and vocabulary games to keep up with your learning progress. 

Another popular app for language learning is Duolingo. Duolingo can be used to learn many different languages, including American English. This app has short lessons, speaking activities, and listening activities to help get you to your goal. 

Having apps like these easily accessible on your phone may motivate you more to use them and improve your skills. You can even set reminders on your device to complete at least one activity or lesson a day.


Although there are many different platforms to watch educational videos, YouTube is the leading platform used by many ESL companies and educational accounts. You can look up specific topics in English and continue from there to find accounts to help you on your learning journey. You can search for “English idioms to improve English speaking skills,” “how to speak English professionally,” or “how to speak fluent English in daily conversation.” Start with this video on how to speak business English for professional settings.


Educational podcasts offer an easy and effective way to improve your English speaking and listening skills. Podcasts are a good option for those who have busy schedules because you can listen to a podcast almost anywhere: driving in your car, working at your desk, going for a walk, and more! 

Here are some educational podcasts we recommend to listen to for English fluency:


If you are someone who enjoys reading blogs or finding recipes, then this activity is for you. Try reading your blogs in English. To go the extra mile, read more blogs that focus on English language improvement. To start off, you can find a blog that is about a topic that you already know alot about. This will help you better understand what is written. 

If you aren’t someone who is into reading blogs, then write your own! Create a page or document on your device where you can blog your day, a trip you took, or recipes you tried out. Of course, you don’t have to post these anywhere. Your blog can be a place for you to practice your English by just talking about your experiences. You can try to be specific about the details to challenge yourself, or you can make it a goal to blog every other day before you go to bed. 

Videos and Film

Whether you’re looking for ESL activities as an adult or short films as a student, these resources can help tremendously to improve your English speaking and comprehension. If you are a beginner or a younger student, you can try watching cartoons to start because you can focus on the words being said. If you are more advanced, try watching more reality TV or dramas that include a lot of dialogue. This can be an activity that you do once a week. Try to watch a different episode each week.


Technology can be a fun thing we use in our free time or for work. However, technology also has many outlets for learning English as a second or other language. When you don’t have the time or resources to meet with a tutor, listening to podcasts, reading blogs, trying educational apps, looking up educational YouTube videos, or watching shows are great ways to keep up with your English studies.

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